Comment: 13 Feb betch
Caption: Mapping out the gains — A glimpse into Takeda's structured workout journey.
Description: A whiteboard with handwritten notations, exercises, and numbers, presumably outlining a workout plan for someone named 'Takeda'. The board is organized into columns with progressive numbers that could be weights, repetitions, or intervals. The top of the whiteboard features the name 'Takeda' and a structure for an EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) workout showing intervals of 1, 3, 15, and 10 repetitions for 10 minutes. Below are acronyms that likely stand for different exercises such as 'OHP' (Overhead Press), 'RDL' (Romanian Deadlift), 'DBP' (Dumbbell Press), 'DIP', 'CU' (Curls), 'SGHP' (Sumo Deadlift High Pull), followed by rows of numbers. At the bottom of the whiteboard, a written note says 'please do not erase'.Extracted Text
EMOM: | 1 | 3 | 15 | 10 x 10min.
OHP 125 | 105 | 105 | 65
RDL 235 | 160 | 155
DBP 190 | 160 | 140 | 90
DIP 65 | 25 | 15
CU 25
SGHP 110 | 80 | 65
please do not erase
82.07% similar
79.05% similar
76.59% similar
78.88% similar